Fitting Words
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Verities, eternal, list of

Think of a line
The first that comes to mind.
OK: music, that's the thing
(The next line ends with 'sing')
Words mean less than looks:
A picture's worth - how many books?
A woman without a man--
I mean, man, how can?
And food. Ah! Music, Food and Love...
(The next line ends with the stars above)
Philosophy is trickier. Still,
Have we or have we not free will?
Thoughtless, I find I am still here.
But never mind; pass another beer.
This began with a random thought,
(From where did it come, I hear you retort)
Synapses saying not a lot,
An electric expression of God Knows What.
So, what's the trigger?
You'd say, 'go figure'.
It's likely we'll never 'figure' an answer out.
The next line ends with - you guessed it, no doubt.
And did someone mention money?
Filthy lucre, bacon and (groan) honey
- Call it what you will,
Nothing beats the dollar bill.
Last of all comes ordure,
Primogenitor of all the impure
Things we consider unfit
(No, I won't say it)
For normal discourse. So
There we have it, from high to low,
From best to worst
But which comes first?
What is the highest power?
Our animality makes us cower
In the face of death, while
Imagination can make us smile,
Or give a haughty laugh
Because we are blessed with a different path
To the brutish beasts
--The ones we dine on at our feasts;
Believing that we live on
As avatars, or in heaven
(Some place I've heard about
But which I gravely doubt
Exists); giving rise
To the least tenable of verities,
(To my Cartesian mind)
I.e. Organised Religion and
Its belief in a life here after
(The next rhyme, appropriately, is laughter)
But let's not talk about destruction
Of belief system construction;
It's a losing game:
What alternative can you name?
The only mystery is time.
Time; and the ability to rhyme
Because, you see, your mind is not here
And that's a very queer
Notion to get your head around.
At least my feet are firmly on the ground,
To which a head usually attaches
To command the feet with nervous dispatches.
To paraphrase Descartes' axiom:
My feet stink; therefore I am.
This conversation's petering out.
Just as well since the meter's out.
So much for veritable sublimities;
Existence is driven to extremities
Of self justification
Because it bears no relation
Nor similarities
To external realities.
How do I know all this?
Sorry, you are asking the wrong person this.
It's just my first pass at grasping a notion
That resulted from some Brownian motion
Of the mind:
It is not in the pip but in the rind.

, maybe

Insulting scansion, euphony, rhyme and meter,
Beware the words of the poetaster.
If these words do not deter,
Then try rhyming with aster astir.
And should you stay the course, become a reader,
Then, blog help you, I am your master.

- "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go."

April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / September 2004 / October 2004 / November 2004 / July 2005 / May 2006 / November 2006 / March 2009 /

I Am the Very Model of a Model Singaporean
The Esplanade (reprise)
PAy Per View (Reprise 05/2006)
Shadow Cats
A Cheetah Escaped Today
Elephants Aphasia
Acrostic: A heart in 3 beats
For the rest of my life
An Iambic Tetrameter
Leaving The Fold
Fitting Words
I read a poem
Wanda Lust
Eternal Verities
On Not Having A Clue
Four Iambs and a Trimeter
We Walked On
Poetic Usage
Bus Ride
Paper View
Doing it
A Nonsense
The Waiting Room
My desk and what sonnet
On Learning The True Value Of Creativity
Coffea Arabica, or The Human Bean
Sing A Poor Song
The Esplanade
Poem #1

© Michael Graetz

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